“Christians” Became Tha Name Fer Them Who Follow Tha Son (Acts 11:19-28)

"Christians" Became Tha Name Fer Them Who Follow Tha Son

The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch. – Acts 11:26 (Acts 11:19-28)

Them who whar connected with Stephen traveled far away after he be stoned ter death. In distant lands they recounted tha message of tha Son, though most only shared this news with Jews. Some, however, began ter speak with Greeks, telling ’em tha good news of getting saved from sin and getting ter live fer ever on tha other side of tha grave. A great number of folks believed in thar message and turned ter tha tha Son.

When this news reached that church council in Jerusalem, they sent Barnabas ter Antioch. Thar he encouraged all who be spreading tha news ter remain true ter tha Son with all thar hearts.

Then Barnabas went ter Tarsus ter fetch Saul Paul. In Antioch tha pair met with tha church and taught a great number of folks all ’bout Skipper and his Son. In Antioch some who cast dispersions on tha disciples called ’em “Christians,” making it sound like tha label be a bad thing. But Barnabas, Saul Paul, and all tha disciples thought it a badge of honor and latched on ter “Christians” as tha name fer all who follow tha Son.

In season and out, in storms and calm, in port and at sea, share tha good news of tha Son. Some may spit upon ya. Some may call ya names. Some may cuff ya in irons and haul ya ter tha brig. Some may demand yer head and get it. No matter. As long as ya be in tha Son, what comes on this side of tha grave ‘ill be fergotten and fast when ya reach tha Port of Paradise whar Skipper lives.