Always be prepared ter give an answer ter everyone who asks you ter give the reason for the hope that ye have. But do this with gentleness and respect.
Thar be several things ter consider from Old Pete’s good words.
First off, be prepared ter give an answer fer tha hope ye have in tha Son’s saving mercy. Don’ be like some in tha crew who lounge about neglecting thar duties, drinking, playing cards, tossing dirks at tha mast. When asked how come they be aboard one of Skipper’s vessels, ye might get a shrug from ‘em but not a reliable explanation.
Second, don’ be sharing the reasons fer yer hope in the Son with everyone. Wait fer an invite. Some may ask ter hear yer tale. Others may simple hint that they be curious. Don’ force yer reasons on folks. Give ’em time and space.
Third, show respect and gentleness. Ye act with respect fer Skipper and the Son when ye offer respect ter others without demandin’ they agree with you. If ye need help showing respect, ask Skipper ter give you grace. Or if yer mum and pop still around, ask them how ter show respect. Don’ be pushy. Don’ be bossy. Don’ bully folks in ter hearing yer reasons fer believing in Skipper and the Son. Be a gentle feller or lass. Be gentle as a feather resting on tha back of yer hand.
Tha way ye treat others be the way a good many ‘ill think Skipper treats ’em who be in his crew. Answer the hope in this life and the next in a gentle, considerate, and respectful manner. Keep a clear conscience so ye not be double-minded. Might be if ye behave as such, some will ask ye ter tell ’bout yer tale of hope.
Be ready when they do.
Be ready ter keep yer trap shut when they don’.
Most likely the way ye behave ‘ill say heap deal more than yer words ever will.