Lord, Bless Me That I Might Love My Wife With the Same Love You Have for Her

Colossians 3:19, Ephesians 5:25-33, Genesis 2:21-24 — Prayers for the Church

Lord, Bless Me That I Might Love My Wife With the Same Love You Have for Her

Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them. (Colossians 3:19)
A Prayer for Your Marriage: Lord, bless me to love my wife with the same love you have for her. This is not only fitting, but fits me perfectly. Bless me to be kind, compassionate, gentle, and patient with my wife.
May I refuse to use my strength in ways that hurt her. In the same way I love my life, bless me to lay down my life for my wife. May I give my all for her.
I have passed from death into life through water and your word and thus am made holy in Christ. In this way may I be the example of Jesus to my wife. Bless me to present my wife as radiant, without blemish, without stain, wrinkle, or any bruises or scars.
She is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. We are wonderfully made as one flesh, knitted together by you in a holy mystery created by your will. Bless us to remain in each other’s arms until death pulls us apart. Amen.

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One thought on “Lord, Bless Me That I Might Love My Wife With the Same Love You Have for Her

  1. A beautiful and fitting prayer for all the young men I know engaged to be married this summer! I’ll print this and add it to my card – along, of course, with a Visa gift card. Those gift cards are what young couples want now. Forget the family china!

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