Angels Attended ter the Son

The Pirate Gospel: Mark 1:13

Angels attended him. (Mark 1:13)

Angels Attended ter the Son

Though Skip may call us inter dangerous situations, he ‘ill often times command his angels ter watch over us. In fact, it be a good habit ter pray daily fer Skipper’s angels ter build a fortress of protection ’round us and them we love. Yer prayer might be sump’en like this.

“Father, please ‘ave yer angels build a fortress of protection around (and then name them ya love who need watching over).”

If you know of some who be at risk of getting attacked by the devil, ask fer added protection ter keep the Prince of Darkness and his demons from breaking in and dragging ’em off. Here be some promises fer angel guardians you kin pray back ter Skipper.

Angels Be All Around Us

For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. (Psalm 91:11)

For it is written, “He will command his angels concerning you, to guard you.” (Luke 4:10 19)

Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation? (Hebrews 1:14 17)

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them. (Psalm 34:7 16)

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 18:10 10)

Bless the Lord, O you his angels, you mighty ones who do his word, obeying the voice of his word! (Psalm 103:20 9)

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. (Hebrews 13:2 8)

I dare say, when we look back on our life, we ‘ill be shocked at the number of times angels stood watch over us and kept us from harm.

Angles Be On Guard

If Skip commands us ter go in ter a wilderness, ter go without food and shelter, ter be tested and tempted in all manner of ways, ter be under constant threat of death from wild beast and wicked men, he ‘ill send his angels ter keep an eye on us.

He ‘ill also ‘ave his ears alert ter our prayers, pleas, cries fer help, as well as our calls fer praise and thanks. It be in the wilderness that a feller ‘ill either grow closer ter Skip and learn ter want more of him or turn his back and trod off in ter eternal darkness.

Our angels aways be on guard ter watch over us. Question be, will we be on guard ter watch over our words, actions, thoughts, and motives?

Parroting the Prayers of Skip’s CrewParroting the Prayers of Skip’s Crew

“Open our eyes, Lord, so that we may see. Lord, open the eyes of others so they can see.” (2 Kings 6:17, 20)

Pirate Facts

Pirates spent thar lives sailing or lounging on a beach or burying treasure or — and they done this a lot — drinking and carousing with fellers and lasses. But few wished ter spend all eternity in Davy Jones’ Locker getting clawed on by crabs and feasted on by tha Kraken. That be how come ear piercings be thar burial insurance policy.

Even if a pirate’s dead body washed up on shore, a nice gold ring or itty bitty diamond fixed in thar ear lobe saw ter it the chap got a proper burial. No matter if it be gold or silver, the metal could be melted down and sold ter pay fer a casket and other fancy funeral stuff. Some pirates went so far as ter engrave the name of thar home port on the inside of earrings so that thar bodies could be shipped home fer a proper planting in tha family’s home plot.

Tha Son said ter his mates, “He who has ears, let him hear.” Spend less time on earthly treasures and store up fer yerself wealth in heaven. Do and that and it won’ matter in what plot you be planted.


Forty Days of Testing

The Pirate Gospel: Mark 1:12

Immediately the Spirit brought (sent) Him out into the wilderness. (Mark 1:12)

Forty days be long spell ter go without food and water. Forty days be long spell ter go without spying another feller or lass who ‘ill offer a kind word or bite ter eat. After forty days a feller might think that Skipper done give up on him.

But Skip ne’er gives up on us.

Ter be sure, we kin give up Skip. We kin harden our hearts ter the place whar we no longer hear his voice or feel his touch. But always Skip be calling ter us—even ter the very end of our days.

Forty Days of Testing

Forty days of testing be a regular thing with Skipper.

Back long ago, when folks seen that Moses whar taking a long time coming down from the mountain, they said, “Come, make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don’t know what has happened to him.”

After they fashioned themselves a whole passel of little gods, they rose early next day and sacrificed burnt offerings ter thar tiny gods. Afterward they sat down ter eat and drink and ter indulge in revelry—which be a fancy way of saying they took drunk and commenced ter ‘aving thar way with one ah nudder in a fashion a body ought not.

That be when Skipper said ter Moses, “You best go down because your people have become corrupt. They have been quick to turn away from what I commanded them.” (Exodus 32:1-8)

How Long Will You Wait On Skipper?

How long will you wait on Skip befer yer time of testing proves too much?

Four days?

Forty days?

Fer a season and no more?

Our Times of Testing Lead ter Blessings

Our times of testing can lead to cleansing, new vision, purging, deliverance, transition and renewal.

  • Skipper caused it ter rain forty days and forty nights when he washed wickedness from the face of the earth. (Genesis 7:12).
  • The twelve spies examined the Promised Land fer forty days before returning with a report. (Numbers 13:25).
  • Goliath taunted Saul’s army fer forty days befer David stepped forwards ter slay that big giant. (1 Samuel 17:16).
  • Elijah fled from Jezebel, traveling forty days and forty nights befer the Lord delivered him ter Mount Horeb.  (1 Kings 19:8).
  • After the Son rose from the grave, he stuck around forty days befer going up inter heaven. (Acts 1:3).

In ever case, those who trusted in the Lord received blessings but first they endured forty days of testing.

If you be in a desert wilderness, examine yer circumstances ter see what Skip be trying ter alter. Doth you need ter be made pure, catch a new vision, purge doubters and doubts from yer midst, be set free of a giant, be delivered from an enemy, transition inter a new role?

Skipper ne’er waste a day on ya. If you be in time of testing, thar be a reason.

Look up, look about, and ask Skip ter show you how come you be out in the wild. Then wait upon the Lord fer the answer.

Parroting the Prayers of Skip’s CrewParroting the Prayers of Skip’s Crew

Lord, you be good ter those who hope in you—ter those who seek you. Give me yer strength ter wait quietly fer yer salvation and deliverance. (Lamentations 3:25-26)

Pirate Facts

“Avast! Avast ye!” be Dutch speak fer “pay attention, mates!” In times of testing, avast ye!


Why Be Baptized?

The Pirate Gospel: Mark 1:9-13

At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. (Mark 1:9)

Skipper’s Son grew up in a region always on edge. Centuries of conflict between one sect and ah nudder, between different beliefs, diverse backgrounds and races and loyalties left folks distrustful of one ah nudder. Bandits roamed about. Zealots terrorized folks. Rome ruled, but due ter its distance from seats of power, much of Galilee remained under the control of whatever local militia might ‘ave the most power. Bribes be expected and beatings the punishment fer them who refused. This be the neighborhood the Son come from.

So it whar a fair question fer Nathanael ter ask, “Can any good thing come from Nazareth?” (John 1:46). It be like asking if anything good kin come from the slums of Bristol.

‘Bout that same time, at age thirty, the son of a carpenter set out from Nazareth with no influence, no followers, and no formal rabbinic teaching. Also, ’em who grew up with him held no expectations that he would amount ter anything.

Only a few know him ter be Skipper’s Son, fathered as it whar by the Holy Spirit, and most dared not speak of it.

Down ter the Jordan River the Son walked. Thar he found his cousin, John the Baptizer, calling folks ter repent, and be washed clean of thar sins. Now the Son didn’ ‘ave ah thing ter be washed clean of. He ne’re committed an infraction. But other folks didn’t’ know this. They seen him as jest another chap clamoring ter fall in step with John the Baptizer.

In order ter set things right from the start, the Son waded in ter the Jordan ter show that being washed clean of our filthy living be the first step towards turning ter Skipper and following him, his commands, and his character.

Why Be Baptized?

Ter day ah good many folks ‘ill make all manner and excuses fer why they don’ need ter be baptized. Folks bathe. Folks shower. Folks frolic in ponds, lakes, rivers, streams, and sea. But they won’ take a dip fer Skip.

Some claim they had water sprinkled on thar head when they was a tiny tot. Only as a tot we kin not recall such an event. The tiny brain of a tot be not large enough ter hold such memories.

Others claim they whar baptized as a youth, but kin not recall how and whar.

Even more claim being baptized be an out-dated way of showing you be a follower of the Son. That such a public showing be of no real benefit ter thar faith.

Only think on this a wee little bit. Doctor Luke writes:

Because they had been baptized by John, all the people, even the tax collectors, when they heard Jesus’ words, acknowledged that God’s way was right.

But because they had not been baptized by John, the Pharisees and the experts in the law rejected God’s purpose for themselves. (Luke 7:29-30)

Why Whar the Son Baptized?

The Son knows Skipper’s ways be right, just, and lead ter life. Though it be a mysterious matter, when we be baptized by water, our spirit aligns with Skipper’s Holy Spirit and in doing so we also align with Skip’s ways.

If the Son, Skipper’s only boy, the one fathered by the Holy Spirit thought it worth his time ter take a dip, could it not be a thing we ought ter do as well? The Son humbled himself like the common folks gathered on the banks of Jordan. Doth we think ourselves more high and mighty than the Son?

What Benefits Be Thar from Baptism?

The Son seen the heavens opening. Now that be an odd thing ter see in it self, but right after the heaven’s split, Skipper’s Holy Spirit of Truth descended upon Son in the way a dove might come ter alight on a branch.

A voice came from the heavens: “You are My beloved Son. In You I am well pleased.”

Would you like ter see inter heaven? Catch a glimpse of the heavenly realm? ‘Ave Skipper’s Holy Spirit of Truth come upon you in such a clear and obvious manner that thar ne’er be any doubt you ‘ave been washed clean of yer sins? Would you like ter receive Skipper’s purpose fer yer life and know his ways?

Would you like ter hear Skipper say ’bout ya, “You are My beloved one. In You I am well pleased.”

Repent and Be Baptized

‘Ave you done the first things first? Or did you head off on yer walk with the Son without taking the steps he took at the start?

We be called ter follow the Son, not get ahead of him. If you wish ter walk with the Son start at the start with repentance and baptism in water and Spirit. Start now from whatever hood you come from. And should ah feller or lass ever say, “you ‘ill ne’er amount ter anything. Yer jest a nobody.” don’ you believe it fer a second. Once you be in the family of Skipper you be his beloved one and always under his care and protection.

Be baptized in ter the Son and you ‘ill become Skipper’s child. If you ne’re do anything else, that right thar be a right fair accomplishment. Take a dip fer Skip. Then sail on, brothers and sisters and tell others ’bout the Son and Skipper.

Parroting the Prayers of Skip’s CrewParroting the Prayers of Skip’s Crew

Lord, with humility, teach me to walk in your authority. (Psalm 8:1)

Pirate Fact

“Keelhauling” be a form of punishment whar by a length of rope would be tied ’round and under the ship’s hull. The law breaker of the ship’s rules then be tied ter the rope and tossed in ter the sea. Back and forth, up and down the feller goes ’till he be drowned dead or cut ter shreds by barnacles. Even pirates know thar be punishment fer breaking the captain’s code of conduct and yet a good many think nothing of breaking Skippers Code of Conduct.

Our baptism be a symbolic way of acknowledging we deserved ter be keelhauled fer our offenses—killed fer breaking Skippers Code of Conduct. The Good News is, once we be baptized (keelhauled), we ne’er need fear the sting of death, fer in the Son we ‘ave life and ‘ave it ter the full.

Tempted By Satan

Mark 1:12-13

He was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan. (Mark 1:13)

Son as tha Son took a dip fer Skip tha Holy Spirit of Truth compelled him ter go in ter tha wilderness. This whar not tha first time Skipper or his Spirit give a feller a hard nudge ter send ’em off in ter tha unknown.

Sent Inter the Wild Ter Be Tempted By Satan

Right after Adam and Eve messed up, Skip kicked ’em out of tha Garden. Keep in mind, all manner of animals and wild beasts be roaming about back then. Why, only a few days ‘fore tha pair got tha boot, Adam and Eve whar playing with the lioness and her cubs. But after thar sin, with ’em being on tha outside looking in, that lioness and her cubs whar near ’bout ready ter tear tha couple from limb ter limb.

Such be tha attitude of tha wild things that live under tha curse of sin.

Whilst trapped as slaves in Egypt, Skip commanded his chosen ones ter go in ter tha wild. At first they be excited fer tha adventure, but after a month or more of roaming about, they got ter grumbling and complaining. Had it been put ter a vote, most would ‘ave voted ter return ter thar old lives of slavery. Like with Adam and Eve, Skip fixed it so they not be able ter go back. He sealed off that route when he flooded the Reed Sea.

Better Ter Live Free and Die Than Ne’er Live

Better ter live free and die, than ter die without ne’er living: that be tha abundant life offered by tha Son.

Elijah got sent inter tha wild.

David fled inter tha wild.

Most all of us gets ter spend time in tha wild.

Often in tha wild ya not be knowing whar yer next meal ‘ill come from or if ya ‘ill find water or shelter. In tha wild yer sandals wear out, feet get tuckered out, cloak be turned inside out on account of it so worn its innards be its outards. Worse, in the wild be whar temptations breed.

Tempted By Satan

We be most vulnerable ter Satan’s attacks after a great victory, when we be emotionally and physically tuckered out, isolated, or angry. In the case of the Son, he jest enjoyed praise from his father in heaven. “This is my own dear son with whom I am pleased.”

Right after this the Holy Spirit of Truth sent the Son inter the wild. Isolated, famished from fasting for forty days, no doubt reflecting on the praise from his father the Son might ‘ave reason ter get a bit riled up due ter his circumstances. Victory followed by isolation followed by hunger and fatigue followed by anger. This be when Satan appeared ter the Son.

Only later, after the Son resisted the devil with the Sword of the Spirit—the words of Skipper—did angels attend ter his needs.

Keep a Weather Eye Out fer Trouble and Temptation

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8)

Be thar a wild trek ya be avoiding? Be thar a wild place yer trying ter escape? Be thar a time of testing ya need ter go through in order to rely on Skipper’s words fer your nourishment, as yer weapon, as his affirming love, as his peace? The Son be our example. In the wild he endured the testing and passed by resisting the devil with faith in the words of Skipper.

If ya be wandering about in a wilderness, know this: Skipper be with ya among tha wild things. He gives us his word and sent The Word ter be our model fer how ter endure. Ter be sure we wish Skip would simply hoist us on ter his back and carry us out of tha wilderness, but most times he wants us ter have more of his strength, more of his stamina, more faith in him and less confidence in our ownselves.

Of this ya kin be sure: getting more of Skip whilst we be in a wild be a right fair trade. And when the time of testing be concluded and we ‘ave passed without givin’ inter temptation, Skip ‘ill be standing thar waiting ter welcome ya back with these words: “This is my own dear child with whom I am pleased.”

If ya feel tha Holy Spirit of Truth nudging ya ter take a hike in ter tha wild, confirm tha call with Skip. Then if confident the wild be yer course, set off without delay.

A feller who sits on his duff and does tha same thing all day ‘ill seldom ‘ave a tale ter tell or faith that won’ fail. Fer that ya ‘ave ter go ter whar tha wild things roam.

Parroting the Prayers of Skip’s CrewParroting the Prayers of Skip’s Crew

 Lord, give me yer strength ter submit ter you. Fer well I know when I do, I kin resist the devil, and he ‘ill ‘ave no choice but ter flee. (James 4:7)

Pirate Fact

Folks from all walks of life came ter be pirates, not jest murdering, lying, thieving, thugs and rascals. Tha pirate William Kidd whar a young lad from a wealthy family who later took up pirating whilst on a mission trip ter hunt pirates. Later he whar executed for piracy. Whilst ya seeking ter root out sin in others careful ya don’ get entangled in it yer self. When tempted by Satan look ter see if yer coming off a victory. If so, watch that ya not fall fer tha thing ya won.

Tempted By Satan

Ya ‘ill Always ‘ave a Place of Honor in Skipper’s Presence

Finding Jesus

Ya 'ill Always 'ave a Place of Honor in Skipper's Presence

In response ter tha Son’s words, “You who leave all to follow me will receive 100 times as much in this age and the age to come,” James and John said to tha Son, “We want you to do for us whatever we ask.”

Be that not like us? In tha name of tha Son we ask him fer a thing and expect him ter grant our wishes. Only when James and John asked fer high positions of honor, tha Son replied, “You do not know what you are asking.”

That also be jest like us. We think tha thing we want be fer our good, only it not always be tha best thing. Ah good many who asked fer sumpin’ find out later it be a curse or worse: a cruel slave master.

Tha Son asked James and John, “Can you be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with?”

“We can!” we ‘ill  often reply. Only think on this a wee little bit: what James and John be asking fer is places of honor, power, and prestige alongside tha Son. But ter get such they would ‘ave ter endure mockery, slander, beatings, imprisonment, beheadings. Most likely when they put tha request ter tha Son, that not be what they had in mind.

“You will be baptized with my baptism, “tha Son told ’em, “but ter sit in places of honor on my left and right is not for me to grant. Those places belong to those for whom they have been prepared.”

As ya well know, if ya be sailing in a sturdy vessel, then even when gales blow, when waves break over tha bow, when wind tears through tha rigging and shreds sails, all be safe below in the belly of tha ship. Though all above me filled with terror, then held fast in tha hold be at peace. Skipper be our strength, help, and refuge. (Psalm 46:1)  It be hard ter worry and live with doubts when Skipper ‘as his arms wrapped ’round ya tight and hugging ya in his large lap.

Places of honor, power, and prestige might be a thing our flesh seeks, but tha better request be fer Skipper’s peace that passes our understanding.

Seek Skipper above all else and ya i’ll find ya always ‘ave a place of honor in his presence.


The Disciples Whar Astonished, While Others Be Afeared

Finding Jesus

The Disciples Whar Astonished, While Others Be Afeared

(Mark 10:32-34)

While on thar way up ter Jerusalem, tha Son led tha way, only as they walked about he found his disciples be astonished at tha things he said ’bout giving up homes, family, friends, and wealth ter follow him. Shocked and stunned they whar. Other folks be a feared at hearing his words.

Ter help the Twelve get tha lay of things, he took them aside and told ’em plainly what was about ter happen ter.

“We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death and will hand him over to the Gentiles, who will mock him and spit on him, flog him and kill him. Three days later he will rise.”

Now ya might think that sad news but of no concern ter us all these years later, only think on this a wee little bit: what folks did ter tha Son’s body when he walked tha earth they ‘ill do ter his spiritual body now. Tha Body of tha Son, his church, his bride, ‘ill suffer tha same sort of abuse from violent fellers.

  • When ya be mocked fer yer belief in tha Son, count it as an honor, not as a slight that deserves a harsh come back.
  • When ya be spit at and spit on fer yer faith in tha Son, turn yer cheek away.
  • When ya suffer a beating fer yer love fer tha Son, know that tha Son and Skipper be crying with ya.
  • If fellers kill ya fer yer loyalty ter tha Son know that ya ‘ill rise again in glory with him.

Would that we ne’er go through such hard struggles fer being a part of tha Son’s new body and his bride, but tha Apostle Paul be quick ter remind us that our “light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all (2 Corinthians 4:17).

The Two Will Become One Flesh

Finding Jesus

The Two Will Become One Flesh

One day some Pharisees came ter test tha Son. “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?”

Tha Son turned tha question back on them. “What did Moses command you?”

They said, “Moses permitted a man to write a certificate of divorce and send her away.”

Tha Son replied, “At the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

Now ya may be asking yer self what tha Son meant when he said, for this reason. Fer tha answer ter that question ya have ter go back ter tha beginning.

Skipper said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

But fer Adam thar be no suitable helper among tha animals so Skip caused Adam ter fall in ter a deep sleep. While he be out like a light, Skipper took one of Adam’s ribs and closed up tha place with flesh. Then from Adam’s rib Skip made a person near ’bout exactly like Adam only with a slightly different shape and features.

Right off this might sound a bit far fetched—another person made from a rib—but if ya think on it, a good many stories have odder things in ’em: talking trees, walking fish. Ne’er fer get that Skipper be tha Great Creator. His imagination be beyond anything we kin conceive.

When Adam come awake he said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.”

Skipper seen that what he done be good. He blessed tha pair and said ter ’em, “Be fruitful. Increase in number.” A couple who be in love mostly knows what that means.

Tha Son told them smart fellers, “It was because your hearts were hard that Moses wrote you this law [that a feller could divorce his wife]. But I tell you anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.”

The disciples said ter tha Son, “If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.” Most likely they had in mind tha strife and friction that comes when a couple tries ter make a go of it. Opposites attract fer a reason: on a level most of us kin not see, we know we be lacking in certain areas and tha mate we fall head over toes fer often be strong in them areas. Only blending two halves in ter a holy whole takes near ’bout a lifetime.

Tha Son replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. For there are eunuchs [unable ter get a mate pregnant] who were born that way [castrated], and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.”

“For this reason . . .” fer companionship, fer ter be made whole by taking in tha strengths of another, ter produce offspring that fear, revere, love, honor, and obey Skipper we be created to be with one mate fer ’till death divides tha pair. 

Tha Son be right when he says, “Not everyone can accept this word.” His commands might seem a bit restrictive, only think on this a wee little bit: God is good (Mark 10:18), God is great (Psalm 86:10), God is love (1 John 4:16). A good, great, God only gives commands that seem restrictive ’cause he loves us. 

Make it yer task ter trust in his love and love tha one ya marry with all yer heart, patience, mercy, grace, fergiveness, honor, respect, trust, compassion and passion. Do this and ya may find all thoughts of splitting up melt away.