What Do You Want Me to Do for You?

We Must Pick: Faith? Or Doubt?

What Do You Want Me to Do for You?

“What do you want me to do for you?” – Matthew 21:32 (Matthew 21:29-34)

On tha Son’s way up from Jericho ter Jerusalem, two blind men whar sitting by tha road.

When they heard tha Son was passing by, they shouted, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!” Tha crowd told ’em ter hush up, but they shouted all tha louder, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!”

Jesus stopped, turn towards ’em and said, “What do you want me to do for you?”

“Lord,” they replied, “we want our sight.’

Right off tha Son had compassion on ’em and touched thar eyes. Immediately they received thar sight and followed tha Son. Think on this a wee little bit:

Two fellers hung out ter gether. Ah feller by himself might get attacked, but ah pair stands ah better chance of beating off robbers and such. When it comes ter suffering, it helps ter have friends near by.

Thar ears whar open and listening. This be tha right attitude fer getting ah healing. Tha Son said them who ‘ave ears ‘ought ter open ’em and be alert at all times.

Soon as tha pair learned it whar tha Son passing by, hope swelled in thar hearts. No doubt they knew ’bout tha Son and all he done. They believed tha tales told by others of his healing, tha provision he supplied ter ’em in need.

Doth ya believe in tha Son’s power? Or doth ya simply know of tha Son. If ya believe, ya ‘ill ‘ave hope. If you simply know of tha Son, yer spirit ‘ill argue agin healing, claiming such ah miracle not be possible. We must see with our heart’s eyes what our head’s eyes kin not perceive. Faith be tha thing hoped fer, tha thing not yet seen, and yet which we know ter be true.

Will ya believe in tha Son? That be tha question be fer ya while ya seek ter be cured of tha affliction, addiction, illness, or infirmity from which ya suffer.

Nay sayers ordered tha fellers to pipe down, ter stop yapping, but they kept at it.

Doubters and malcontents ‘ill seek ter rob ya of hope, healing, and help from tha Son. Should ya find yerself among such rabble, escape if ya kin, fer they ‘ill only bring ya down ter thar sorry state. If ya be amidst some who claim ter be believers and they be preaching ah message of doubt, gloom, and denying tha power, words, promises, and commands of tha Son and Skipper, high tail it up tha road. Many ah feller or lass suffers from tha sorry sermons of them filled with doubts.

Twice tha pair asked fer mercy. This be key ter healing. We all be reprobates and rascals in need of fergiveness and mercy from tha Son. Not ah one of us be entitled ter anything but tha lash. In humility and trembling, in reverence and fear, ask tha Son fer mercy. Beg fer it. Then expect it. Tha Son be a lord of love. He ‘ill always respond with kindness and compassion ter them who believe.

“What do you want me to do for you?”

This always be tha question put ter us by tha Son. “What do you want?”

If ya don’ know, dive deep in ter yer heart. Plumb tha depths of yer soul. Don’ settle. Ask yer self what ya really want. Then tell tha Son. He kin do all things, fer through him all things whar made. Not a thing exist that whar not made by him (John 1:3).

Name it, but don’ claim it. Let tha Son ‘ave his way with ya. This be ah conversation between tha two of ya. Allow him time ter respond and probe, while ya ponder.

Ter see, that be what tha chaps wanted. O that we might wish ter see tha Son, as well. What a glorious thing it would be if we could see him in all his power and radiance. Ah healing of soul and body ‘ill bring such insight.

Tell tha Son plain what ya want. Then wait fer his touch. Anticipate his hands reaching down, taking hold of ya, massaging tha place of affliction, injury. Feel his gentle stroke. Receive his kindness with gratitude.

Expect immediate healing, fer immediately they received thar sight. Not later that day. Not tha next day, week, month, year, years later. Right then.

Ter expect anything less is ter allow doubt ter take root and as ya well know, faith can not abide with doubt. Ya must pick: faith or doubt.

This be tha story of tha two blind chaps on tha road up from Jericho.

This kin be yer story as well, if only ya ‘ill believe in tha healing power of the Son.

Question be, will ya?


If Ya Believe and Tha Afflicted Believes Even Ah Little, Great Healing ‘ill Flow

Nothing will be impossible for you.

If Ya Believe and Tha Afflicted Believes Even Ah Little, Great Healing 'ill Flow

(Matthew 17:14-21) (Luke 9:37-43) (Mark 9:14-29)

Tha day after Big James, Loving John, and Old Pete come off that mountain with tha Son . . . tha very next day after tha three seen tha Son in all his glory with Moses and Elijah, they met a man with a peculiar problem. When tha chap seen tha four approaching, he run up ter tha Son and dropped ter his knees.

“Teacher,” he said, “I beg you. Look at my boy. He is my only child. A demon spirit seizes him and suddenly throws him into convulsions so that he foams at the mouth. This demon spirit robs him of speech. My boy gnashes his teeth. When it seizes him, he becomes rigid. It scarcely ever leaves him. This vile demon spirit is destroying my boy.”

Tha Son asked, “How long has your son been like this?”

“From childhood. It often throws him into the fire or water to kill him. I begged your disciples to drive it out, but they could not. If you can do anything, take pity on us. Help us.”

“If I can?” tha Son asked. “Everything is possible for him who believes.”

“I believe,” tha father replied. “Help me overcome my unbelief.”

Tha Son looked at tha man, then his disciples. “O unbelieving and perverse generation. How long shall I stay with you? How long will I put up with you?” Ter tha father he said, “Bring your son here.”

Even while tha boy whar coming ter tha Son, tha demon spirit caused tha lad ter fall ter tha ground, roll around, foam at tha mouth, and jerk with convulsions.

When tha Son seen ah crowd rushing ter tha scene he rebuked tha demon. “You deaf and mute spirit, I command you, come out of that boy. Never enter him again.”

Tha demon spirit shrieked, convulsed tha child violently, and fled. Tha lad looked so much like a corpse that many in tha crowd said, “He’s dead!” That be how weak tha lad’s spirit had become from all those years of being bullied by tha demon spirit.

What about us? Be our spirit bullied ter tha point of submission by spirits of filth, wickedness, perversion, and doubts? Ever time we sin we be inviting vile, demon spirits ter torment us. Now, we know not if this lad done ah thing ter warrant such an invasion, but clearly tha demon wormed its way in and broke tha lad’s spirit. So much so, that he whar near ’bout good as dead, which be tha goal of tha demon spirit from tha get go.

Ne’er mess around with demons. Ne’er dabble in tha occult. Brother James says, Get rid of all filth. Cast out all evil. Humbly accept the word planted in you. God’s words can save you.” (James 1:21)

With that lad looking as dead as ah dock plank, tha Son reached down and took tha lad by tha hand. He lifted him up and tha lad stood. All whar amazed at tha greatness of Skipper. Ever one marveled at all tha Son done.

Later, ashamed at thar lack of faith, embarrassed that tha Son had ter bail ’em out, tha Son’s disciples came ter him and asked, “How come we couldn’t heal him?”

Tha Son replied, “Because you have so little faith. Also, this kind can only come out by prayer.” He may ‘ave also added “and fasting,” though we kin not say with certainty that be tha case. “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Not even driving out evil, unclean, demon spirits.

When someone ya know be in need of healing, deliverance from an evil spirit, addiction, affliction, ah condition that robs ’em of tha abundant life Skipper promised, pray this prayer:

My Father, I kneel before you, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name.

I pray that out of your glorious riches you may strengthen me with power through your Spirit in my inner being, so that your Holy Spirit of Truth may dwell in my heart through faith. And I pray that being rooted and established in love, I may have power. I pray that together with all tha Son’s holy people, I may be able to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is your love and the love of your Son. Help me to know this love that surpasses all knowledge. Fill me to the measure of all the fullness of you. (Ephesians 3:14-19)

After praying this prayer, believe that Skipper’s power ‘ill flow from our Father, through tha Son, through ya, and in ter tha feller or lass in need of healing. Believe and doth not doubt.

If both ya and tha afflicted doubt Skip ‘ill heal, then tha Son kin do nothing (Matthew 13:58). But if ya believe and tha afflicted believes even ah little, great healing ‘ill flow in ter ’em, of this ya kin be sure.



Sailing from Malta to Rome (Acts 28:11-16)

Three Months, Three Days, Three Taverns

Paul thanked God and was encouraged.  Acts 28:15

Paul thanked God and was encouraged.  Acts 28:15 (Acts 28:11-16)

After three months on tha island of Malta, Saul Paul and tha crew put out ter sea on ah ship from Alexandria. On tha bow of this vessel be tha figure-heads of tha twin gods Castor and Pollux. Think on this a wee little bit: Castor and Pollux whar believed ter be both both mortal and divine. Tha Son of Skipper be both mortal, ah man, and divine, tha Son of Skipper. So right off tha counterfeit of tha Messiah, tha antichrist, be tha very gods leading tha crew.

Now ya might think that after losing thar ship, cargo, and near ’bout thar lives, tha crew would ‘ave learned thar lesson and denounced such false gods. But when ya follow tha dark hearts of tha Devil and tha false security found in his lies, gaining a bit of discernment be ah rare thing. Folks do tha same ter day. When they get in ter a fix, they call on Skip ter bail ’em out. Once he does and things be square and ship shape, they go right back ter thar wicked way of thinking. 

With tha tiny god-sons of Zeus as thar guardians, and Saul Paul praying, tha crew sailed first ter Syracuse. Thar they remained three days. From thar they sailed ter Rhegium, then on ter Puteoli whar some brothers met Saul Paul and his mates. At tha sight of friendly faces, Saul Paul made it his task ter spend ah week with ’em.

When some brothers from Rome learned that Saul Paul be near, they trekked down tha coast ter tha Forum of Appius and Three Taverns ter meet up. At tha sight of these brothers from Rome, and knowing his long voyage be near ’bout complete, Saul Paul thanked God and whar encouraged and fer good reason.

Fer ah good long while Saul Paul wanted ter reach Rome. At every stop he had preached ter all who would listen how Skipper sent his Son ter save all folks. Ah good many refused ter head this good spiel, but them who did received back thar life. They gained entrance in ter tha Kingdom of Skipper. In all ways at all times Saul Paul ne’er wavered from his goal of making his case that tah Son be tha Messiah. Now, at last, Saul Paul be in tha very city whar tha most powerful man on earth lived. If Skip allowed, Saul Paul would present tha good spiel ter Caesar.

When he reached Rome, Saul Paul whar allowed ter live by himself with only a soldier ter guard him. Safe at last, he rested. He wrote letters of encouragement ter tha churches he helped form. He wrote words of admonishment ter tha churches. He wrote ter tha leaders of tha churches with instructions fer how ter shepherd tha flock. He also prepared ter make his case ter Caesar that tha Son, who being in his very nature Skipper himself, died on a Roman cross so that Caesar could be saved from his sins.

Ah long time ago a feller by tha name of Jabez prayed: “Oh, Lord, bless me indeed. Enlarge my territory. May your hand be with me. May you keep me from evil. May I not cause pain.” And Skipper granted Jabez his request. 

May this be our prayer as well, that Skipper would bless us indeed. That he would enlarge our territory fer him. That his hand would be upon us. That his Holy Ghost of Truth would keep us from evil. That our words and deeds might not cause pain ter others. This was Saul Paul’s goal from tha get go. Though his voyage ter Rome be one filled with perils and persecution, he reached his destination. 

Make it yer task to stick ter tha course Skip plots fer ya. By doing so, ya may jest find them ya love most be saved cause of yer persistence. 


Tha Rest of tha Sick on tha Island Came and Whar Cured (Acts 28:7-10)

When Disaster Seemed Likely, Expect Deliverance

Tha Rest of tha Sick on tha Island Came and Whar Cured

When this had happened, the rest of the sick on the island came and were cured. Acts 28:9  (Acts 28:7-10)

On tha island whar tha crew regrouped from thar disastrous voyage, thar whar an estate nearby that belonged to Publius, tha chief official of tha island.

He welcomed Saul Paul, Luke, and some others in ter his home and showed ’em generous hospitality fer three days. As ya well know, fish and visitors stink after three days, so when ya get an invite ter rest in ah feller’s home, make it yer task ter be on yer way by tha forth day.

Now it may be that hospitality whar not tha only reason Publius wanted Saul Paul ter visit. Seems Publius’ pop lay sick in bed, suffering from fever and a bad case of tha trots. Paul went in ter check and after praying over tha sickly feller, laid on hands. At that moment, through his mighty power, tha Son healed Pop Publius.

When this happened, tha rest of tha sick on tha island came and whar cured.

We doth not know how this healing took place. Whar all cured at tha same time Pop Publius whar healed? Did Saul Paul lay on hands and pray over each one? Did he simply spake a word and all whar healed?

All we know is this: when it came time ter sail, Publius and others on tha island furnished ’em with all tha supplies they needed. Such be tha gratitude the islanders felt fer Skip’s presence and power.

When ya consider tha danger tha crew faced when tha ship left Fair Havens . . . when ya consider tha 276 souls in peril of going down ter Davy Jones . . . when ya consider tha number of folks on that island who whar healed . . . and when ya consider Saul Paul’s faith in Skip and his Son, we kin conclude that in all ways and at all times Skipper whar at tha helm of that vessel. Though disaster seemed likely, deliverance came due ter Saul Paul’s faith in Skipper’s providential protection and mercy

When facing impossible odds and in desperate need fer an improbable outcome, place tha voyage in tha hands of Skipper. Let him guide ya. Listen ter his voice. Follow his nudging. Obey his commands. Might very well be that 276 and more ‘ill be saved and healed —and possibly ah great many more saved through tha Son’s glorious death and resurrection.

Landfall, Man’s Fall (Acts 28:1-6)

Only Tha Son Kin Take It Away tha Veil of Dullness

Landfall, Man's Fall

The people expected him to swell up or suddenly fall dead; but after waiting a long time and seeing nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and said he was a god. Acts 28:6 (Acts 28:1-6)

Once Saul Paul and all made landfall and safely reached tha beach, they found out that tha islanders whar unusually kind ter ’em. Because it whar raining and cold, tha islanders built ah fire and welcomed tha crew. Saul Paul went about gathering ah pile of brushwood fer tha fire, but as he done so ah viper, driven out by tha heat, fastened itself on his hand.

Ah bite from such ah viper be normally more severe than from other venomous snakes in that part of tha world and very painful. It generally be thought that around 5% of all untreated bites leads ter an excruciating death. This particular serpent be responsible for 90% of all cases of snakebite in and around Rome and it be tha only deadly snake in tha mountains north of Rome.

Think on this a wee little bit:

Ah serpent be responsible fer deceiving Eve in tha Garden and causing Man ter fall (Genesis 3:4–5, 22). Because of tha serpent’s deception and Adam and Eve’s disobedience, sin entered tha world.

When Moses doubted that Skipper had called him ter be tha one ter lead Skip’s people out of slavery, he asked fer proof that Skip would be with him. Skip instructed Moses ter toss his rod onto tha ground. When he done so, it became ah serpent. Like any reasonable feller, Moses high-tailed it from that place, only Skipper encouraged Moses ter come back and grasp tha serpent by the tail. As ya well know, only ah fool picks up ah snake by its tail, but Moses obeyed and tha serpent went back ter being only a rod (Exodus 4:1–5). Later Moses cast down his rod, agin. It turned in ter ah serpent and attacked Pharaoh’s magician’s serpents and ate ’em whole.

In the Book of Numbers, while Moses and Skip’s people wandered about in tha wilderness, they spoke agin Skipper and agin Moses. Tha crowd said, “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? There is no bread! There is no water! And we detest this miserable food!” So Skip sent venomous snakes among them. Tha serpents bit folks and many died. Then tha crowd came ter Moses and said, “We sinned when we spoke against the Lord and against you. Pray that the Lord will take the snakes away from us.” After Moses prayed, Skip instructed Moses ter mount a bronze snake on ah pole. If folks looked at that bronze snake they would be healed (Numbers 21:4–9).

Years later tha Son said, “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up (John 3:14). In tha wilderness tha serpent’s bite brought death. Looking ter tha bronze serpent brought healing. When tha Son came, he brought judgement upon all folks, fer he made plain that he were tha Chosen One, tha Messiah, tha author of all things and tha one who redeems us from our wicked, sinful ways. Looking ter tha Son on tha cross brings healing ter all folks fer thar sins.

Looking away from tha Son on tha cross, pretending he ne’er came, not caring that he came, brings judgement upon yer head and leaves ya bound fer eternal torment.

When tha islanders seen tha snake hanging from Saul Paul’s hand, they said ter each other, “This man must be a murderer; for though he escaped from the sea, the goddess Justice has not allowed him to live.”

Right then Saul Paul shook off tha viper, flinging it in ter tha fire. Folks expected his hand ter swell up or fer him ter suddenly fall out dead; but after waiting ah good long time and seeing nothing unusual happen ter him, they changed their minds and said he was a god — which he whar not, but he knowed tha true God, Skipper, and that always be better than being a little man god.

Odd how folks see ah feller get bit by ah snake and ‘spect him ter fall over dead. Then these same folks see ah feller sin and doth not expect him ter suffer any ill affects. Such dull thinking kin only come due tha veil of tha old covenant which some still cling ter: ah covenant based on good works and keeping Skip’s rules, and sacrificing animals, but not sacrificing our own wants and will. With most folks this veil remains, fer only tha Son kin take it away. And yet whenever any feller or lass turns to tha Son, tha veil be lifted and they see plain tha glory of tha Son and his Father (2 Corinthians 3:14-16).

What says ya? Will ya turn ter tha Son ter day and allow him ter lift tha veil from yer face. Will ya ask ter see him clear fer tha savior he is? Some where, some place, some one is praying ya will.


Tha Great Shipwreck (Acts 27:27-42)

276 Souls Whar Saved

276 Souls Whar Saved

In this way everyone reached land safely. Acts 27:42 (Acts 27:27-42)

On tha fourteenth night tha great storm still drove tha battered ship acrosss tha Adriatic Sea. Near ’bout midnight some sailors sensed they whar approaching land. Ter confirm thar hunch they took soundings and found that tha water was ah hundred and twenty feet deep ‘neath tha ship’s keel. Ah short time later they took soundings agin and discovered it whar only ninety feet deep.

Fearing they would be dashed against tha rocks, they dropped four anchors from tha stern and prayed fer daylight. Or maybe they prayed ’till daylight, fer praying fer tha sun ter come sooner than it be fixed by tha heavens be ah tall order.

Pretending they whar going ter lower some anchors from tha bow — though in secret they be attempting ter escape from tha ship —tha sailors let down tha lifeboat. Jest then Saul Paul warned tha centurion and other soldiers, “Unless these men stay with the ship, you cannot be saved.” Because of Saul Paul’s words tha soldiers cut away tha ropes that held tha lifeboat and let it drift away. Now all had no choice but ter stay with tha ship.

This be tha way of Skip, sometimes. In order fer us ter put all our trust in him, he ‘ill force us ter let go of ever source of hope ‘cept him. All our wealth, health, friends, anything we might rely on other than him, he ‘ill cut away. Saul Paul had warned that Skipper promised ter preserve all souls aboard even though tha ship and cargo would be lost. That should ‘ave been comfert enough fer ’em.

Only sometimes we also want jest one more thing ‘cept Skip and his Son. When this urge arrises, ya kin be sure yer faith be weak fer tha task ahead. This be tha time ter pray, “Lord, I believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24)

Ah little bit be fer dawn Saul Paul urged all ter eat. “For the last fourteen days you have been in constant suspense and have gone without food—you haven’t eaten anything. Now I urge you to take some food. You need it to survive. Not one of you will lose a single hair from his head.”

After he said this, he took some bread and gave thanks ter Skipper in front of ’em. Then he broke tha bread and began ter eat. Think on this a wee little bit: right in tha midst of a great storm and after many days of trials and torment, Saul Paul paused ter give thanks ter Skipper fer provision and tha protection they enjoyed. In life we might wish our circumstances whar different, only know this: if Skip and his Son be standing watch with ya, then that be comfert enough fer tha moment.

Because of Saul Paul’s prayer and his calm appearance, all whar encouraged and ate some food. Altogether there were 276 souls aboard. When they finished eaten as much as they wanted, they lightened tha ship by throwing tha grain in ter tha sea. At last tha crew got tha message Saul Paul had spake about day after day: fellers and lasses doth not live by grain and bread alone but on ever word of Skipper.

In Loving John’s Revelation of tha Messiah he seen this:

There before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. (Revelation 19:11-13)

Our very life be in tha Son, Skipper’s boy. He alone is our provision and his words be true fer ever and ever.

When tha sun come up, they seen ah bay with ah sandy beach. Taking ah last bit of courage they cut loose tha anchors, untied tha ropes holding tha rudders, and hoisted tha foresail. With tha wind at thar backs they made fer tha beach. Only fer they could reach tha bay, tha ship struck ah sandbar and ran aground. With its bow stuck fast and pounding waves breaking agin tha stern and ripping it ter pieces, it all appeared what lost. In order ter prevent tha prisoners from swimming away and escaping, soldiers drew swords ter kill ’em.

Only ah centurion wanted ter spare Saul Paul’s life so tha chap kept tha soldiers from carrying out thar devilish plan. Tha centurion ordered those who could swim ter jump overboard first and get ter land. Tha rest were ter grab ah plank or one of tha other pieces of tha ship and get ter shore as best they could. In this way all reached land safely. Thus, tha term “walk tha plank” came ter be known as tha way a feller or lass gets ter shore when all they got is two legs and a board. Later it whar perverted by some notorious pirates, but tha first use of “walk tha plank” whar meant fer good, not evil.

Think on this a wee little bit:

Skipper saved Noah and his family through ah great flood. Inside thar vessel they remained safe.

Skipper saved Jonah through ah great drowning. Inside tha belly of ah large fish he remained safe.

Skipper saved all them who sailed with Saul Paul. Though tha ship be lost, all souls whar saved.

Ter day ever person kin be saved through certain and eternal death by tha blood of tha Son. Our water baptism be our way of showing that our old self be dead. When we come up out of tha water, that be our way of showing we now be alive in tha Son.

If ya ne’er died ter yer old self and be born agin in ter tha fer ever living life of tha Son, will ya make it yer task ter do so now? Some one, some place, at some time be praying ya will, of this ya kin be sure.

Tha Way We Deal With Disaster ‘ill Often Be Tha Only Testimony of Tha Son Some ‘ill Ever See or Hear. (Acts 27:14-25)

Make It Yer Task Ter Be Found Faithful, Not Fearful

Make It Yer Task Ter Be Found Faithful, Not Fearful

Keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me. Acts 27:14-25 (Acts 27:25)

It whar not long after tha ship cleared tha coast that tha gentle south wind clocked around and ah Nor’easter began ter howl. Hurricane force winds swept down from the island. Caught in tha storm, tha ship could not head up and keep course. Overpowered by waves and wind, tha pilot and captain gave way and allowed tha vessel ter be driven along by violent gusts.

This often be tha result of discarding Skip’s Code of Conduct and wise council. When we think we ‘ave tacked in ter a gentle, more kind, more thoughtful and compassionate wind, such a breeze ‘ill often clock around, grow in strength, and threaten ter destroy both ship and crew.

As Saul Paul and crew passed ter tha lee of ah small island called Cauda, they whar hardly able ter make tha lifeboat secure. Fearing tha tiny boat might be lost, tha men hoisted it aboard.

With planks in tha hull bending and seams separating so much so that water flooded tha lower decks, tha crew passed ropes under tha ship so as ter hold it tergether.

Still tha vessel groaned and threatened ter break apart as waves bashed in ter her. Because they whar afraid they would run aground on tha sandbars of Syrtis, tha crew lowered tha sea anchor and let tha ship be driven along. Fer days tha crew took such ah violent battering from tha storm that they began ter throw cargo overboard.

On tha third day at sea, they threw tha ship’s tackle overboard with thar own hands. When neither sun nor stars appeared fer many days and tha storm continued raging, all gave up hope of being saved — all ‘cept one, that is.

Only Saul Paul trusted that Skipper would see ’em through tha blow.

“Men, you should have taken my advice not to sail from Crete,” he told them. “Then you would have spared yourselves this damage and loss. But now I urge you to keep up your courage, for last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me. He said, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar. God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you. Not one of you will be lost,’ tha angel said. ‘Only the ship will be destroyed.’ So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me.”

This be tha value of one faithful follower of Skip among a crew of unbelievers.

Back in tha days of tha Great Wickedness, when every inclination of tha thoughts of fellers and lasses whar evil all the time, Noah found favor in the eyes of Skipper and saved his family. Back in tha days of Abraham, when tha Great Outcry agin Sodom and Gomorrah reached heaven, Lot found jest enough righteousness and faith ter save his family. On and on we find in Skip’s Code of Conduct that when one feller or one lass finds tha courage and starch ter stick with Skip they kin bring others through disaster. Though great loss might come ter belongings, homes, nations, if we ‘ill side with Skip in all matters, he ‘ill oftentimes bring us and others ter safety.

Make it yer task ter be found faithful, not fearful, during times of distress. Tha way we deal with disaster ‘ill often be tha only testimony of tha Son some ‘ill ever see or hear. May we be found ter ‘ave faith in Skip, belong ter Skip, and serve Skip at all times.