How Much Ya ‘ill Suffer Fer His Name? (Acts ??)

Make it yer task ter day ter look fer Skipper in tha whirlwind and storms and clouds

How Much Ya 'ill Suffer Fer His Name?

After tha Son knocked Saul Paul ter tha ground and chatted with him a bit, he left. With tha help of his mates, Saul Paul got ter is feet, but he whar blind. Sumpin’ like scales covered his eyes. Sumpin’ like scales most likely covered Saul Paul’s heart as well, else tha Son would not ‘ave needed ter knock some sense inter him.

His mates led him to Straight Street. Right off that be a hint that Saul Paul, upright in his mind adn straight as an arrow, whar on a crooked path. Thar, in tha house of a feller name Judas, Saul Paul dropped ter his knees and while in prayer, slipped inter a trance. In a vision he seen a man come and place hands on him ter restore his sight.

‘Bout that same time, in a vision, tha Son spoke ter a feller named Ananias. “Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul. He is praying. In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight. This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.”

Think on this a wee little bit.

When Phillip come upon the Ethiopian eunuch that feller whar reading Isaiah 53:7-9, a song about tha suffering servant. Isaiah 53:7-9 be tha fourth song in tha Books of Prophets that points ter how tha Son and Lord as being one who suffered fer us. So right off when tha Son warns “He must suffer for my name”  Saul Paul knowed what he whar about ter face. Saul Paul’s fate be tha same struggles tha Son faced. Saul Paul’s course be nearly exactly tha same as tha Son sailed.

‘Ave ya ever asked tha Son how much ya ‘ill suffer fer his name? If not, why? If so, did he answer with a little, a lot, any ah tall?

Few of us like ter think of suffering. In Skipper’s Code of Conduct clouds of suffering near ’bout always be tied ter Skip. While they watched from tha Ark, clouds brought showers, sorrows, and sufferings ter Noah and his family. Clouds also brought providential blessings during times of drought. Near ’bout always it be through clouds that Skipper’s Holy Ghost of Truth teach us how ter walk by faith. If there were ne’er be any clouds in our lives but only sun, we might ne’re seek shelter in Skip’s arms. Tha prophet Nahum says of Skipper, “His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of his feet” (Nahum 1: 3).

This be tha message Saul Paul heard from tha Son: “Ter day, ter morrow, and from here on tha fercast be fer partly cloudy skies with intermittent showers and scattered blessings.”

That pretty much sums up ever passage. Make it yer task ter day ter look fer Skipper in tha whirlwind and storms and clouds. Odds are if ya keep yer eyes peeled, ya might spy a rainbow with its promise of better days ahead.