if we claim we have not sinned, we make God out to be a liar

“God is light. In Him there is no darkness at all. This is the verdict: Light came into the world, but men love darkness because their deeds are evil. They walk in darkness and refuse to come into the light for fear that their deeds will be revealed as sin. Whoever lives by the truth — by the One who is the Word and the Word of life — comes into the light so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God.

“If we walk in the light, Jesus’ blood purifies us from all sin. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

”But if we claim we have not sinned, we make God out to be a liar and His word has no place in our lives. Jesus tells us to pray like this: ‘Forgive us our sins and lead us not into temptation.’ If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves. If we claim to be without sin, God’s truth is not in us.

“The light of man is good, true, and holy. The darkness of men is evil and false (John 3:19-21). This is how we know those who walk in the light: God’s truth and His word is in them.

John 3:19-21, 1John 1:5-10, Luke 11:4

Will We Come and Be a Part of The Groom’s Wedding Party?

The Pirate Gospel: Mark 2:18

“How is it that John’s disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees are fasting, but yours are not?” – (Mark 2:18-21)

John’s disciples fasted. The Pharisees’ disciples fasted. The Son’s disciples feasted.

Some smart religious fellers came ter the Son and asked, “How is it that John’s disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees are fasting, but yours are not?”

The Son answered:

“The groom’s party eats well at the wedding. Wine flows, fancy food is brought out. All eat as much as they like, for the wedding feast is a time for celebrating. Now is such a time. I am the groom. Those who come to me celebrate with me. Only later, after I have gone, will they recall the good times we enjoyed and mourn. Then they will fast.”

Seeing as how many still be confused by the Son’s talk of weddings, he went on ter explain how the son of Skipper be like a new patch sown on ter a garment. The Son’s Spirit be like a new robe and not some simply some new patch ter be sown onto yer old self. If we try ter simply patch up our old flesh, we ‘ill make the tear worse. Worse, we ‘ill you feel worse, fer he alone can clothe us in new garb that fits us ter perfection.

In the same way Adam and Eve needed new garments ter cover their nakedness, so we need the Son’s new robe of righteousness ter cover our shameful self. Simply putting a patch of fig leaves over our privates ‘ill not do the trick.

Later the Son told the story of a king who came in ter visit the guests at his banquet. When the king seen a feller who whar not wearing wedding clothes he asked, “How did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man stood speechless. The king then told his attendants, “Tie him hand and foot, and throw him into the darkness.” In the streets outside the halls of the wedding hall thar ‘ill be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 22: 11-13)

If we ‘ill accept the Son’s offer ter be dressed in his rob of righteousness we need not worry ’bout getting tossed. When we put on the Son, we get ter dine with the groom.

All be invited. Question be: will we accept the groom’s invite ter his wedding?

Parroting the Prayers of Skip’s CrewParroting the Prayers of Skip’s Crew

“Remember, Lord, how I have tried to walk before you faithfully and with my whole heart’s devotion. Though at times I have stumbled, my desire is do what is good in your eyes. I ask that your Spirit fill me so that by your strength and not in my weak flesh do I serve you alone.” (2 Kings 20:3)

Pirate Facts

Them captured by pirates faced a bleak future. Some pirates whar merciful and, after robbing fellers and lasses, put ’em ashore on a deserted isle. Other pirates entertained thar captives as guests until a ransom whar paid. Some gangs do the same even ter this day.

Family Time With Jesus

The Pirate Gospel: Mark 2:17

“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.” – Jesus (Mark 2:13-17)

The Son went out ter the lake. Like always a large crowd came ter Skipper’s son and he began ter teach folks. Whilst walking about, he saw Levi, the son of Alphaeus, sitting at the tax collector’s booth. Most likely this whar a toll booth guarded by one or more Roman soldiers, fer back then the route from Damascus through Capernaum ter the sea whar a popular route.

“Follow me,” the Son called ter Levi. Right off Levi stopped collecting taxes, left his station, and followed the Son.

Sometime later, while the Son and his disciple whar enjoying dinner at Levi’s home, many other tax collectors and “sinners” showed up. “Sinners” be folks who refuse ter follow Skip’s Code of Conduct — fellers and lasses who make it thar purpose ter violate Skipper’s divine law and show disrespect ter Skipper. Though they know right from wrong and kin read Skipper’s good words, they choose ter be reprobates and rebells bent on mutinous behavior. It be fer sinners that the Son came, fer we all be murdering, lying, thieving scoundrels who need ter change our ways.  These whar the folks the Son be drinkin’ and eatin’ and hangin’ with on this particular evening.

When the teachers of the law and the Pharisees seen the crowd seated ’round the Son, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?”

Now ya might think it odd they did not ask the Son this question. Could be by this point they knowed him ter be smarter than ’em and they did not wish ter get into a debate with a feller who seemed ter know more ’bout Skip’s Code than they knowed.

On hearing such mumbling, the Son said ter these smart religious fellers, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

Right off ’em smart religious fellers might ‘ave picked up on the sharp humor in the Son’s words, fer by implying that they be “righteous,” the Son be suggesting they be “good” and not needing ter be made clean: and well they knew that none be good but Skipper.

But thar whar a second, more important, message in the Son’s word: a warning fer all of us. The Son be suggesting that each us be a sinner who needs ter repent of sumpin. If we think different, then we hain’t looked deep enough inter our hearts. If we think ourself healthy and whole and in no need of healing, we ‘ill miss out on dining with the Sun and getting set right with Skipper.

If you know yerself ter be sick in spirit, broken in body, a corrupt lying, thieving, reprobate, then accept the Son’s invitation ter enjoy a meal in his kingdom. Dare ter dine with the one who desires fer you to ‘ave life and ‘ave it ter the full. The Son accepts us just as we come, but he ne’er leaves us in our foul, polluted state. No indeed, fer he wishes ter call us friends, his family, his followers. Question be, will we come out of the darkness and inter the Son’s light and love?

Parroting the Prayers of Skip’s CrewParroting the Prayers of Skip’s Crew

“Lord, our children are a heritage from you, a reward we cannot earn, only enjoy. We ask for your blessing of protection and provision for our children. May we love those in our family in heaven with the same affection we love our own flesh and blood. Amen and amen.” (Psalms 127:3-5)

Pirate Facts

Sailors captured by pirates whar sometimes invited ter join the crew and themselves become pirates. Here the pirates be thinking the captives — who now be crew — might reveal whar a treasure be hidden aboard the captured vessel so as ter share in the loot. Most often if the captives went along with such a devilish scheme they be killed soon as the booty be uncovered.

Tote Those You Love ter the Son fer Healing

The Pirate Gospel: Mark 2:3

Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. (Mark 2:1-6)

Several days after the Son healed folks and cast out demons he went back ter his hometown. A good many gathered inside wishing ter see him perform a miracle or speak Skipper’s words. So many crowded in that thar whar no longer any room fer a body ter stand or sit.

Tote Those You Love ter the Son fer Healing

While he whar speaking Skip’s words ter the crowd, four fellers removed tiles in the roof and let down thar friend on a pallet. Thing be, the poor chap on the pallet whar unable ter sit up, walk, stand, or do anything fer himself.

Right then the Son done a strange thing. Seeing as how the four friends whar convinced the Sun could heal, he looked at the man on the mat and said, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”

Your Sins Are Fergiven

Think on that a wee little bit: four friends cared fer thar friend so much they toted him through that village on ah pallet, climbed up the side of a home, took time ter remove roofing materials, rigged tackle and blocks and rope, then lowered thar mate down so he could lay at feet of the Son. We don’ know if the chap whar grateful fer his friends’ help or troubled by getting paraded around like an invalid, but thar he lay fer all ter look down upon.

Now the Son didn’ ask tha chap if he wished ter be healed. The Son only looked right at him and said, “Your sins are forgiven.”

Sin Unleashed Death and Sickness

What an odd thing fer the Son ter say. Not, “You are healed.” Not, “Do you want to be healed?” Rather, “Your sins are forgiven.” One thing we know: Adam’s sin gave the devil power ter bind us with sickness. Before Adam’s sin, all that Skipper created whar good. Not a thing he created whar imperfect. But after we unleashed sin, sickness and death followed. And because sin, sickness, and death now be our lot, the Son came ter destroy the power the devil has ter binds us. By the Spirit of Skipper who raised his son from the dead, he who raised the Son from the grave ‘ill also give life to our mortal bodies because his Spirit lives in us. Or should live in us.

Whar thar be sin, sickness kin flourish. But whar thar be the righteousness of the Son, the power of sickness be broken.

Content In Our Sins

But what if the feller didn’ want his sins fergiven? What if he didn’ think he had any sins at all? What if he whar perfectly content living on a pallet as an invalid?

Many a day we be content with things as they be, jest fine with the life we ‘ave and sins we keep committin’. But we not be fine — ‘least not from Skipper’s view.

In our quiet moments we may suspect thar be sumpin’ missing, only we kinnot touch the hole in our soul and heal the hurt. The Son knows this. That be one reason why he came ter fetch us from the depths of darkness — ter haul us up from the sea of fire and aboard his ship. He wishes ter fill that emptiness we feel with his Spirit, his very self. When the Spirit of Skipper gets in you thar be such a power at work that no sin, no sickness, not a thing unclean kin remain. We only need ter ask ter be filled with his Spirit — ask and expect ter be filled, confess our sins and repent of our ’em. We only need ter believe the Son be Skipper’s boy, that he died and rose from the depths of Davy Jones’ Locker, and now be Lord of all, King of all kings, and our savior.

That chap on the mat might ‘ave been grateful fer his healing: might even ‘ave been grateful ter ‘ave his sins forgiven. But we don’ really know fer certain. Nothing more be shared ’bout his condition after his sins whar fergiven and his healing took place. The chap ne’er asked fer this blessing, but we kin. Anytime we wish, we kin ask the Son ter heal us, fergive us of our sins, and ter change us.

Will We Ask Ter Be Changed?

Question be, will we? Make it yer task ter pray that others ‘ill come along side and tote you ter tha Sun fer healin’ and savin’. Then once you be made well and become more like the Son, do the same fer others.

If you love yer neighbor, yer friends, yer family, you ‘ill carry ‘em all ter the feet of the Sun. Once he lays eyes on ’em, expect ter be amazed at the way he works miracles in thar lives. Savin’ us from sin and sickness and givin’ us abundant life be an act of love from the Son, you may lay ter that.

Parroting the Prayers of Skip’s CrewParroting the Prayers of Skip’s Crew

“Lord, you are our king. You testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to you. (John 18:37) Just as our Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so you give life to whom you are pleased to give it. (John 5:21)

We lay before you those who are grieving, those who are suffering in pain, those dealing with afflictions and preparing for surgery. We testify that you are our savior, the Lord who heals all, the King who sets free all held captive by the devil. This day we ask that you liberate these we name. The enemy has come against them with spirits of sickness and affliction. In your mighty name and nature we ask that your power go forth from you into the bodies of these we love and lay before you. Amen and amen.”

Pirate Facts

Knowing fear ‘ill often work better than jawing, ah good many pirates work hard ter built up despicable reputations of ruthlessness. Some inflicted pain fer pleasure, or enjoyed tha company of lasses fer pleasure. Others treated thar captives tha way they might ah sister or mum, with kindness, but not often.

The Son Knows What We Be Thinking

The Pirate Gospel: Mark 2:1-12

Immediately Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts. (Mark 2:8)

Not long after the Son went off ter pray and get instructions from Skipper on what ter do next, he returned ter Kephar Nahum.

When folks heard that he had come “home” they crowded about in such large numbers that thar whar no room left in the home fer a feller ter stand and listen — not even outside the door. With ever’ one gathered ’round the Son he preached the word of Skipper ter ’em.

The Son Knows What We Be Thinking and Says, “Confess and Repent!”

While the Son spoke, healed, and fergave folks of thar sins, some teachers of the law thought ter themselves, “Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?”

Immediately the Son knew in his spirit what they whar thinking in thar hearts.

A good many things occurred that day in Kephar Nahum.

  • A paralyzed man whar healed.
  • The Son fergave a man’s sins.
  • Skipper’s word whar proclaimed with authority.
  • The hearts of many whar encouraged.
  • The Son showed that he had the power to know our hearts and thoughts.

Knowing what they be thinking, the Son asked, “Why are you thinking these things?

Some time later he would caution the crowds ter be careful what they say in private on account of Skipper always be listening.

What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight. What you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs. (Luke 12:3)

Skipper warns:

Nothing in all creation is hidden from My sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account. (Hebrews 4:13)

Because Skipper knows what we be thinking, we ought ter confess our sins one ter another and pray fer each other so that we may be healed and set right befer Skipper. Ter keep our sins a secret ‘ill only encourage our Accuser the devil to make public all the wrong and wicked things we done.

The Son Knows of Our Reputation and Loves Us Anyway

A Pharisee named Simon invited the Son ter dine with him. In attendance whar a woman of ill repute. Now as ter why such a woman be at the home of a Pharisee, we doth not know, but thar she whar crowding close ter the table as if she belonged thar. And not jest lingering ’bout but putting her hands on the Son. Perhaps this be the way she touched that Pharisee when others whar not around.

While at the table the Pharisee thought ter himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is — that she is a sinner.”

The Son answered, “Simon, I have something to tell you.” Then the Son began ter tell a tale ’bout fergiveness and how those who be fergiven a great debt ‘ill show more love than those who be fergiven a small debt. (Luke 7:39-49)

The Son then turned toward the woman while speaking ter the Pharisee, “I came into your house, but you did not give me any water for my feet. You did not give me a kiss. You did not put oil on my head. But this woman has wet my feet with her tears. She wiped them with her hair. She has not stopped kissing my feet. She poured perfume on my feet. She has shown me great love.”

Because the Son knows of our reputation and what others think of us — because he knows that others judge us by outward appearances and without any regard fer our circumstances, he offers us compassion, kindness, and fergiveness, not condemnation and judgement.

The Son Knows of the Suffering Ter Come and ‘ill Sometimes Sound a Bell of Alarm

They were on their way up to Jerusalem, with Jesus leading the way . . .  when he told them what was going to happen to him. (Mark 10:32)

The Lord said to Ananias, “I will show this man how much he must suffer for my name.” (Acts 9:16)

“You will be hated by everyone because of me.” (Matthew 10:22)

Because the Son knows we will be hated and persecuted because of him — and the word of Skipper — and that we will have many troubles and tribulations while we are here on earth he ‘ill sometimes give us a forecast of the storms ter come.

The Son Knows the Traps of the Enemy and Warns Us to Be On Guard

Once some Pharisees and Herodians tried ter ter catch the Son by his words. In response the Son asked, “Why are you trying to trap me?” The Son warns those who be his followers ter have the wiliness of a serpent. He says ter us, “Be alert. Remain sober. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

The Son once said ter Old Pete, “Simon, Simon, Satan is determined to have you so that he might sift you like wheat.” (Luke 22:31)

Because the Son sees the snares the enemy sets, he ‘ill sometimes warn us of the traps others lay in our path.

The Son Knows of Our Past Failures and Is Eager ter Fergives Us

When the Son met a Samaritan woman at a well in the heat of the day he told her, “Go, call your husband and come back.”

“I have no husband,” she replied.

The Son said ter her, “You are right when you say you have no husband. The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is true.”  Because the Son knows our past failures, he wants ter fergive us of our sins. In fact that be the reason he died on the cross.

The Son Knows of Our Future Failures and Prays for Us

Not long after Old Pete boldly claimed, “Lord, even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you. I am ready to go with you both to prison and to death.” the Son reminded him not ter boast of his loyalty like a proud rooster.

“I tell you the truth, the rooster will not crow this day, until you deny three times that you know me. But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail.” (Luke 22:31-34)

Because we love Skipper and make it our purpose ter do his will — and because the Son remains at Skipper’s side praying fer us — we know that even when we stumble and fall Skipper ‘ill work things out for our good.

Yes, a man got righted and launched that day in Kephar Nahum, but perhaps the greater revelation whar that we seen that the Son sees into our hearts and knows our ever’ thought. Let us make it our task ter ne’er attempt ter hide anything from his view but rather lay it at his feet so he kin fergive us.

Parroting the Prayers of Skip’s CrewParroting the Prayers of Skip’s Crew

Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit. You know when I rise. You perceive my thoughts from afar. You know when I go out. You know when I lie down. You are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely. You tuck me in behind and before. You lay your hand upon me and comfort me. Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? Love me now. Fergive me now. Hug me now. (Psalm 139:1-5, 7)

Pirate Facts

“Keep a weather eye out” means ter keeps one eye on the wind aloft and one on the water ahead fer it be by the powers of wind, water, and waves the boat sails and — in times of storms — suffers.

Start Yer Morning With Prayer ter Skipper

The Pirate Gospel: Mark 1:35-37

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. (Mark 1:35)

Start Yer Morning With Prayer ter Skipper

Tha Son made it a habit ter rise early and get off by himself so he could enjoy a chat and morning prayer with the Father, his Pop and ours. We don’ know what the Son and Skipper discussed. Could be they chatted ’bout the upcoming day. Perhaps they reflected on the day befer. Maybe Skipper whar giving the Son a list of folks who would be coming ter him with thar needs, worries, and wounds. But we kin be sure of one thing: the Son felt in necessary ter start his day with a morning prayer with the Father.

Ways Some Begin Thar Morning Prayer

A good many do they same these days. When they lie down at night they kneel side thar bunk or lie in thar hammock and thank Skipper fer all that went on during the that day, both good and ill. They ‘ill praise him fer the daily provision they enjoyed, the folks they met, thar own needs met. In the morning befer thar feet hit the deck they ‘ill silently thank Skipper fer a good night’s sleep and the dreams he give ’em. Then they ‘ill ask Skipper ter hug ’em close and bless ’em, provide fer thar daily needs, ter watch over ’em, and keep his arm ’round thar shoulder. All this they do befer they get out of the sack.

Getting Off Alone in the Morning ter Pray

Aboard ship you ‘ill often find folks up early in the morning ter go off and pray. Kneeling near the rail of a vessel with heads bowed, lips moving, tears trickling down cheeks, they ‘ill pray ter our Father in heaven. This be the model fer prayer given ter us by the Son. We be called ter get away from folks in order ter spend time alone with Skipper. When we pray, we ought ter go into a small room or closet, close the door, and pray to our Pop, who be unseen. Then Skipper, who sees what be done in secret, ‘ill reward us.

Thing be,  it kin be hard ter rise early and find a quiet spot ter pray. The Son knowed a little ’bout this fer he made the village of Kephar Nahum (Capernaum) his home port and because he did, folks whar constantly looking ’bout fer him.

Now some smart fellers say that “kephar” be a Hebrew word that means “ter cover,” “ter purge,” “ter make an atonement fer,” “ter make reconciliation fer,” “ter cover over and make atonement fer sin.”  “Nahum” means “our comforter.” So right off we might see why the Son picked this village fer his base, fer Skipper’s one and only boy come ter comfort us and reconcile us ter the father by paying the price fer our sins.

Getting up early might uncomfortable fer some—perhaps most—but that be the example the Son set fer us. And it is in our troubles and times of discomfort that the Son comforts us.

Blessings of Prayer

Whilst in tha Garden of Gethsemane tha Son prayed, “Abba (Pop), Father, for you all things are possible. Remove this cup from me. Yet, do not do what I want, but what you want. Do your will.” The Son prayed this at night, in the dark, alone. But we kin imagine he spake the same at other times fer he knowed well in advance how his end would come. And even though he knowed his Father’s will, the Son still prayed ter be spared the scourging that whar ter come. He prayed ter be spared from the mocking and humiliation of folks. He prayer ter be spared the torturous death planned fer him.

Now we may wonder how the Son knowed what whar ter come. The answer be in these words ter his disciples.

“Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.”Jesus (John 5:19-20)

While in prayer, while listening ter the Holy Spirit of Truth, Skipper spoke ter the Son. The Father showed the Son his perspective of things. In response, the Son did those same things during the days that followed. Perhaps you recall that the Son taught his disciples ter pray like this.

Say, “Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”Jesus (Matthew 6:10)

When we get Skipper’s view from atop the mast, we kin stand our watch and carry out our tasks. Still, that don’ necessarily make it easy ter rise early.

Whilst We Be Looking ter the Father Others be Looking fer Us

Simon and his companions went to look for Jesus. When they found him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!” (Mark 1:36-37)

Of course all in Kephar Nahum whar looking fer the Son. He healed folks, cast demons out of folks, fed folks. All who come ter him whar blessed. The Son be thar answered prayer, as it whar.

But he came not simply fer folks in Kephar Nahum but fer folks all over. Left on our own we might settle in a port. And perhaps Skipper wants us ter settle fer a spell. But like a ship at sea the Son whar always on the move.

Get Up and Get Moving

This also be our model fer prayer. Regardless of yer circumstances and needs, get off alone with Skipper—and the earlier in the day the better. Our Comforter, the one who makes attornment fer our sins, rose early ter be with his father in prayer. Later our Comforter was lifted up on a cross in order that our sins be covered by his blood. Three days afterwards, the Son once more rose early, only not in his old earthly shell of a body but from the grave in his new glorified body. The first of its kind. A body that could travel about through time and walls.

A life of rest and relaxation might be the thing we wish fer, but if we are ter follow the Son thar i’ll be days of discomfort from simple daily living.

When you get off with the Father, cry out ter him. Plead with him. Listen ter him. Recite back his words, promises, blessings. Share yer fears with him. Praise him fer listening, caring, loving ya, and sending his Son ter die so ya could sit in his lap. End by asking Skipper ter glorify himself through you by yer thoughts and actions. Then make sure you ask him ter show you what he wants you ter do that day.

Do all this and then when you stand yer post you ‘ill ‘ave a better gauge of how best to carry out Skipper’s commands that day. If the Son of Skipper found it necessary ter get away with his Father early in the morning, we might ought ter rise early and do the same.

Parroting the Prayers of Skip’s CrewParroting the Prayers of Skip’s Crew

Oh Lord, help me to hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for it is in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go this day, for it is to you that I lift up my soul.(Psalm 143:8)

Pirate Facts

Perhaps you ‘ave heard the phrase, “Red sky in the morning, sailor take warning.” A red sunrise might mean that a high pressure system with its good weather done already passed on, leavin’ behind an a storm system of low pressure. In the Northern Hemisphere weather moves from west ter east so a morning sky that be a deep, fiery red can indicate that thar be high water content in the atmosphere and a squall below the western horizon. If you awake ter a red sky morning make it yer task ter batten down the hatches.